2020 Fall Foursquare Essentials Course starts soon, September 23rd!
The UpNorth Facilitation Team is gearing up this Autumn’s Foursquare Essentials course. Learn more about Foursquare, grow deeper in knowledge and belief, and learn how to express and discuss faith with others.
Primary goals:
- Learn and discuss Foursquare Church’s essential beliefs with classmates and teachers
- Learn about the global, European and regional distinctives, functional structures and relationships in Foursquare
- Build relationships with others within the Nordic Family of Foursquare Churches through the Nordic Learning Community (NLC) online platform
- Study the provided material (textual and video)
- Complete weekly assignments:
- Individual questions
- Group discussions
- Actively participate in Zoom cohort video calls
Dates times:
The course kicks off with an orientation call September 23 and then continues every Wednesday at 21:00 (EET), 20:00 (CET) (with one break) through December 16.
For 2020, Brett Toft, Joel Mayer and Krzysztof Trochimuk will guide this class plus other people will be invited to share when discussing particular topics, e.g. women in ministry, FEFC etc.
In order to sign-up, please click the button. Enrollment ends September 18!
All registrants will be contacted before the first call with instructions on how to participate. Please talk to your leaders before you sign up – you will be able to hear more about the course as most of them have done it.
Should you have more questions that your leader does not know how to answer, please contact me (Krzysztof Trochimiuk at trochimiukkrzysztof@gmail.com) or patiently wait for the orientation call.